ApplicationIf you are interested in a puppy, please fill out the form and we will get in touch as soon as possible! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country What gender are you interested in? Male Female No Preference What litter are you interested in? What character traits are you hoping for in a puppy? Do you understand that a calm puppy is achieved through training? Are there any other pets in the home? Please give a description of your experience with dog ownership. Do you understand that having a puppy takes time and patience, they will need training and potty training to be a well-behaved member of the family, are you willing to accept this responsibility ? Yes No Do you understand that a doodle needs to be professionally groomed every 6 weeks? Are you prepared to learn to groom or to accept the financial responsibility that professional grooming requires? Who will be the primary care taker of the dog and where will the dog sleep? How many hours in the day will your puppy be left alone? Where will your puppy stay when you are away from home? In a crate, yard, loose in the house? Do you have a fenced yard and do you plan to exercise your dog? What do you plan to do for training for your puppy? If you have a veterinarian, please list their information here: Describe your home life, who resides there, activity level of your home, what is your lifestyle is like: * What is the time frame you are hoping to add a puppy to your family? * Are you committed to caring for this dog for the entirety of it's life? * Have you ever surrendered your pet to a shelter, if so, please explain the situation: * Are you aware that per our contract, if you ever need to rehome your puppy, you are required to reach out to us prior to rehoming? You are required to return the dog to us or ask for rehoming assistance. Yes No All puppies are sold on a contract that requires spay (females) and neuter (males) by 12 months of age and proof must be sent to Peachwood doodles. Do you agree to this? Yes No Any additional comments: * By sending this electronically, I acknowledge that I have completely read this application and comprehend it fully. Yes No I understand that applying does not ensure approval and that untruthful answers or failure to comply with the requirements of this application can result in the forfeiture of my application for a pet puppy. Yes No I certify that the above information is correct, and I understand that the information will be verified. Yes No Date of completed application: Thank you for taking the time to fill out an application with us! Sit tight and we will get back to you shortly!